Massachusetts - Western Massachusetts
Regional Community
Welcome to Western Mass Burners. We are a small region for those who don’t want to make the drive out to the big cities around us. We take a more country feel to our burn time off the playa.
We have monthly meet and greets for both the new and seasoned burner. We also throw at least 1 or 2 bigger burner get togethers every year, ?We have a face book presence, Yahoo chat list and the regular Burning Man announce list.
email to westernmass@burningman.org
Get involved and find out about local happenings by signing up on our Announcement list, chat with other Burners on our Discussion lists, or follow us via your social media of choice - but definitely come out and get involved!
Announcement List:
The Massachusetts - Western Massachusetts Announce list is a moderated announcements-only list for events of interest to local Burners. Recipients get regular updates, event listings, and Burning Man news from this list.
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