25 to Thrive

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on May 11, 2024 at 10AM or 5PM PDT (convert to your local time zone).
Be a part of the collective vision for the future of the Regional Network!

“25 to Thrive” project team and collaborators from Israel, Spain, US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Sweden, Austria, and Japan, 2022 (Photo by Warren Lee)

The Burning Man Regional Network is in its 25th year and there’s a lot to celebrate! What began as an “experiment in temporary community” has become a complex network of interconnecting Regional Contacts, communities and events that happen year-round. What should the next 25 years of the Burning Man Regional Network look like? What would it take for all of our communities to be more successfully interconnected and thrive? With that in mind, the 25 to Thrive project was initiated by Burning Man Project and network members to consider the future of the Regional Network, including where we are and want to go together.

Learn more about 25 to Thrive in the Burning Man Journal here and here.

Ways you can participate