Conflict Support Meta Regional Subcommittee

Mission Statement

The volunteer Conflict Support Meta Regional Subcommittee provides conflict support to the global Burning Man community by assisting with the resolution of disputes, complaints, accusations, and financial discrepancies within the Regional Network. Through collective effort, the subcommittee acts as a sounding board and an initiative/suggestion generator for groups in need. The subcommittee does not decide disputes or act as an arbiter. It assists local communities in their own conflict management and resolution efforts.

  • We meet monthly.
  • We support local resolution, not top-down results.
  • We share the work equally among committee members.
  • We seek impartiality and utilize point people without conflicts of interest or connections to any parties.  Committee members will recuse themselves when necessary.


Jackie Latendresse (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Jeff Reese (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Jon Groot (Chicago, Illinois)
Kathleen Hoffman (Sacramento, California)
Kayla Jenson (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Scott “Scotto” Platsky (Phoenix, Arizona)
Tiya Coleman (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Contact Information