North Dakota

Regional Community

Yes, burners exist in North Dakota.  Yes, you should totally come to North Dakota.  Yes, yes, yes.  If Black Rock City were a city, then the burners from North Dakota would occupy less than 0.0001% of that city.  So rare, so majestic.  Like a sober unicorn slam dunking a drunken volley ball.

02.11.18 08:55 UTC


Get involved and find out about local happenings by signing up on our Announcement list, chat with other Burners on our Discussion lists, or follow us via your social media of choice - but definitely come out and get involved!

Announcement List:

The North Dakota Announce list is a moderated announcements-only list for events of interest to local Burners. Recipients get regular updates, event listings, and Burning Man news from this list.

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burning since:
personal quote:
I can see turtles all the way down.
Cougar Bait
burning since:
personal quote:
You have no idea.