
Regional Community

Welcome to AZBurners – Burning Man's Arizona Region. The AZBurner Community is a very active regional  group of artists, musicians, performers and regular, everyday people. We are an inclusive group where new people are always welcome. 

11.26.24 00:07 UTC


Get involved and find out about local happenings by signing up on our Announcement list, chat with other Burners on our Discussion lists, or follow us via your social media of choice - but definitely come out and get involved!

Announcement List:

The Arizona Announce list is a moderated announcements-only list for events of interest to local Burners. Recipients get regular updates, event listings, and Burning Man news from this list.

To subscribe, send a blank email to:

Discussion List:


So you want to be an Arizona Burner, eh?

Do you know about the ten principles of Burning Man? Are you kind of familiar with the ethos burners and want to learn more about it because we seem like your kind of tribe? Do you love art, camping, fire and, above all, building community with awesome people? Do you love to volunteer and want to participate in our events to the fullest of your abilities? Have you been to Burning Man and just want to connect with other local burners and check out the scene? If you said yes to any of the above then you are in the right place!

Regional Contact Email:

Social Media:

For Arizona Event information, or event volunteer information email:

For Participant or Newbie information email:

AZ Burners Withought Borders

Arizona Burner Information

Saguaro Man (AZBurner Regional Event)

AZBurner Facebook Information Page

AZBWB (Arizona Burners Without Borders Web Site)


Afiliated Groups (unofficial):

AZBurners (FaceBook Group)

Saguaro Man (FaceBook Group)

Arizona Burners Without Borders (Facebook Group)

Northern Arizona (Facebook Group)

Tucson AZBurners (FaceBook Group)

Burners & Brews (Facebook Group - Tucson Weekly Gathering)

IO Discussion Group

AZ Burner Volunteer Profile



Regional Contacts:

burning since:
personal quote:
I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar That much is true
Sassy Cat
burning since:
personal quote:
If not now, when?
Queen Voney
burning since:
personal quote:
I like unicorns!