台灣 Taiwan
Regional Community
Taiwan's offical regional event 火人祭台灣區官方活動:
龜焰 Turtle Burn
- 積極包容 Radical Inclusion
- 無私餽贈 Gifting
- 去商品化 Decommodification
- 自力更生 Radical Self-reliance
- 展現自我 Radical Self-expression
- 社區精神 Communal Effort
- 公民責任 Civic Responsibility
- 不留痕跡 Leave No Trace
- 全心參與 Participation
- 活在當下 Immediacy
Like everything else in Taiwan, the local burner community is transforming rapidly. More and more Taiwanese make the journey to the playa every year, and Burning Man 2006 saw the first ever Chinese Speakers Tea Party. 2014 saw the first Burning Taiwan event on Honeymoon Bay in Yilan, and 2015 saw the first ever Asia Burner Leadership Summit held in Taipei, featuring a visit from Burning Man Project founders Larry Harvey and Marian Goodell.
In 2019, Burners in Taiwan produced their first authorized Regional Burn, called Turtle Burn. The community has grown to include a Discord server and host several pre-Burn camping events and a second, Covid-safe Turtle Burn in 2021.
With more Taiwan regional projects coming to the playa every year, including the monumental Mazu Temple in 2015, and more Black Rock City magic weaving it's way back to Taiwan, La Ilha Formosa (the beautiful island) is emerging as one of the most dynamic spots on the burner globe.
(Photo by: Tobie Openshaw)
Get involved and find out about local happenings by signing up on our Announcement list, chat with other Burners on our Discussion lists, or follow us via your social media of choice - but definitely come out and get involved!
Announcement List:
The 台灣 Taiwan Announce list is a moderated announcements-only list for events of interest to local Burners. Recipients get regular updates, event listings, and Burning Man news from this list.
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