
Regional Community

Welcome to the Burning Man Vancouver information page!

The Burning Man Vancouver community has grown up since 1999 when a small group formed the first 'BurningVan' email list to keep informed of what others were doing. Since then, burners have gathered to build community, connect, make art, plan events and camps, and share experiences.

For a full list of links and resources,  see: ro read below.


Dustcovery 2024 – FURiouser & FURiouser
Saturday November 16th, PNE Forum, Vancouver, BC
See website for all event info:
FB event:

Monthly Burners & Beers are on!
First Friday of the month. Please check the shared Google Calendar & FB community fan page for details on location for each month, & any other meetups happening, such as Onesie skating, park meetups, etc


Full list of links and resources:



You do not have to be a Burner or have attended Burning Man to be a part of our community. A love of the arts and a respect for others and your community is all you need to contribute and participate.

The Burning Man Regional Network is the year-round embodiment of the Burning Man experience, supporting it as a global cultural movement. In cities around the world, the Burning Man Project has established Regional Contacts whose role is to help local Burners connect with each other, while bringing Burning Man principles and culture into their local communities. 

The community strives to follow the core values that define the Burning Man culture, described in the Ten Principles of Burning Man, specifically: Radical Inclusion, Gifting, Decommodification, Radical Self-reliance, Radical Self-expression, Communal Effort, Civic Responsibility, Leaving No Trace, Participation, and Immediacy.


In 2007, the Burning Man Vancouver community formed a non-profit society to support its community and events. The Greater Vancouver Interactive Arts Society's mission is to support activities that serve the Greater Vancouver Burning Man community. They provide resources and advocacy for events, art, and projects that bring the community together. The society encourages interactive and participatory experiences in the spirit of the 10 principles of Burning Man.
Please visit the website and become a member:


The community is active year-round, hosting 3 annual large events:

  1. Burn in the Forest
    Vancouver’s Official summer Regional Event
    The first Burn in the Forest (BitF) in 2002, was a rustic community campout gathering held deep in a forest valley below glacial peaks, in traditional Squamish Nation territory. This location is no longer available to us due to closure by wildlife officials following multiple grizzly encounters.
    Burn in the Forest is the Greater Vancouver Interactive Arts Society’s (GVIAS) Official Burning Man Regional event.
    The annual summer event moved from our 6 year home at the Squamish Valley Campground to the Cheam Fishing Village for 2015/16/17/18. Post-pandemic, we hosted BitF in 2022 in September at a new location, and the returned to our usual summer July timeline in 2023 & 2024.. 

BitF has since grown to host 2000 participants, with over 300 identified volunteers stepping up.
Our community is built on the participation of its members – from the simple exchange of food, stories, or a lending hand, to the elaborate construction of interactive art projects.

FB General group (all years)

  1. Decompression (post BRC, Oct-Dec)

Dustcovery 2015-16-17-18-19 & 2023 | Afterglow 2012-13 | Dust Off 2011 | Micropolis 2010

Each year, hundreds of dusty participants return from a magical week in the desert and begin the difficult process of re-entry into the Default World. The decompression process culminates in the opportunity to re-create our experience for one night, here on our home turf. Here, we can share our experience, celebrate our personal transformation and officially make the transition back to life as we know it. We can also party with 1,000 or so of our closest friends, and check out some of Vancouver’s best Burning Man art, music, theme camps, performances, activities, costumes and revelry.

  1. preHEAT / ReCharge (pre BitF & BRC, Feb-Apr)
    Community Art/Theme camp fundraising for local events as well as for Black Rock City Burning Man.
    Back in 2023! preHEAT 2023!

The Greater Vancouver Interactive Arts Society is excited to present to you our first one day Burner event in Vancouver since before the pandemic. preHEAT your stoves, your burn barrels, your fire poofers, and whatever else warms you up! We invite you to spark up your creative juices and turn up the heat for our upcoming Burn season. (900 participants)
Saturday, April 15th, 2023 @ PNE Forum
3pm-6pm: all ages &  6pm-11pm: adults only

Prior years: ReCharge is a burner-inspired crowd fundraising event where YOU get to choose which project your money goes to! The event is now in it’s 6th year. In the last few years, we've raised $11K to $15K at each event for ART intended for Burning Man, Burn in the Forest, and other Regionals. (550 participants).

Vancouver City Events
On top of these, members meet at a monthly Burners & Beers, as well as club nights, fire spinning jams, newbie picnic/playa skool, playa bike prep workshops, skate nights, sauna/hot tub nights, black light bowling, community potlucks, town hall meetings, arts and crafts bees and more. Join the announce email list to keep informed and check the



From 2000 to 2010, this community experience featured a Burn celebration, music, art, performance, workshops, theme camps, fire-spinning, ritual, gift-giving, experiential communication and friendship.

  CORE – Circle of Regional Effigies
The CORE Project is a celebration of Burning Man's Regional Network and of the work that groups throughout the world are doing to nurture and support the Burning Man ethos as a global cultural movement. The Vancouver Region has had the joy of being represented on playa as part of the Circle of Regional Effigies, since it's inception since 2011. Guided by the Ten Principles, CORE teams work together throughout the Spring and Summer to create art that celebrates their Regional identities and showcases the collaborative artistic efforts of their community members. 

To read more on the CORE project, please visit:

2011: Playa Time | facebook   |    2012: Life Tree | facebook   |   2013: Artifactuary | facebook


For a full list of links and resources,  see:


02.01.25 19:26 UTC


Get involved and find out about local happenings by signing up on our Announcement list, chat with other Burners on our Discussion lists, or follow us via your social media of choice - but definitely come out and get involved!

Announcement List:

The Vancouver Announce list is a moderated announcements-only list for events of interest to local Burners. Recipients get regular updates, event listings, and Burning Man news from this list.

To subscribe, send a blank email to:

Discussion List:

See all links here:

Regional Contact Email:

Social Media:

These days, most of the online community interactions take place on Facebook; the yahoogroup is pretty much "crickets".
► Facebook: Burning Man Vancouver Regional Community Announce Fan page
This Fan Page acts as an annnounce style News Feed page. This is the critical info page you can refer to when you want top level info. 

► Facebook: Burning Man Vancouver Chat Group (NO COMMERCE!
Facebook Group is the main mode of communications reaching out to over 2,900 members. 
► Facebook: Burning Man Vancouver Classifieds Gifting/Buy/Sell/Tickets, Rideshare, etc 
Any/all commercial or transaction-based posts, such as Buy/Sell/Tickets/Rides/Shwag 
►  BMV Local Events Google Calendar
►  Burning Man Vancouver Flickr Feed
►  Burning Man Vancouver Twitter
► Burning Man Vancouver Instagram


Flickr tags and links:  Tag: burningvan  -  Photo Pool: Burn in the Forest  -  Photo Group: Recompression

Regional Contacts:

burning since:
personal quote:
Burning Man is a figment of your imagination and/or Burning Man ruined my life!
Venture (Benson)
burning since:
burning since: