Seeking Regional Contacts for Connecticut!

Photo Credit: Debbie Wolff Art: Identity Awareness Family by Shane Pitzer Year: 2017

May 15, 2024

Introducing New Connecticut Regional Contact!

The Regional Network team is honored to welcome Tommy Freudenthal as the new Connecticut Regional Contact!

It’s our pleasure to introduce you to the new Connecticut RC, Tommy:

Tommy Freudenthal
Residing in Haddam, Connecticut, Tommy is an attempted architect turned artistic arsonist. He has attended regional burn events since 2015 and Black Rock City twice. In addition to creating and bringing small art pieces to a number of burns, Tommy also enjoys building and burning effigies and temples for the CT regional burn. Tommy is looking forward to continuing to bring the community together as Regional Contact for Connecticut.


February 28, 2024

Hello Connecticut Burners!

This is Acacia from the Burning Man Regional Network team. 


The Burning Man Regional Network team, in collaboration with local leaders, is searching for community leaders to build and nurture Burning Man community initiatives in Connecticut. 

These three candidates have stepped up to volunteer as Regional Contacts and help keep the flame burning:

  • Daniel Viera
  • Abigail Feldman
  • Tommy Freudenthal

Regional Contacts work to help strengthen and foster connections in local regions. As such, we request your feedback about each candidate under consideration. This assists us in making the best selection for your local community.  

If you know any of these candidates, please complete this community feedback survey by Tuesday March 12th.


Please share this link far and wide, we appreciate all the feedback we can get! 

The survey allows you to easily skip candidates you don’t know.

Your confidential feedback assists us in making the best selection for your local community. All feedback from this survey is provided to the RC selection team anonymously – all identifying information is removed.

You can learn more about the Regional Contact selection process by reading:

If you have questions about this process or additional feedback, which cannot be captured in the survey, please don’t hesitate to email us via Thank you!

February 12, 2024

RC Search Deadline Extended to Monday February 26, 2024!

Our team is searching for community members to contribute their spark and step into the Connecticut Regional Contact role.

Please share this announcement to every Burner you know via your socials and communities throughout Connecticut! Announcement link:

More below!

January 30, 2024

Hello Connecticut Burners!

We’re writing to you from Burning Man world headquarters and we have exciting news! We are launching the search for Regional Contacts in Connecticut to empower and support cultural growth across the state. 

Currently, Connecticut does not have a Regional Contact team to steward the community, as former CT RC, Jill  Wegrzyn retired in 2022. But because Connecticut has such an active, engaged, and exciting region, we all agreed it’s time to get the region some RC support! 

Our team is now searching for community members to contribute their spark and step into this leadership role. Regional Contacts volunteer year-round to build and nurture Burning Man community initiatives on a local level. They facilitate communication and collaboration with and between local community members, various local community groups and the Burning Man Regional Network Team. Could this be YOU? 

If you live in Connecticut year-round and are interested in becoming a Burning Man Regional Contact, please read about the Regional Network, search process, and  Regional Leadership Criteria.

Please do not apply until you’ve read all of these resource pages!

As Connecticut RC, we are looking for the following skills and attributes:

  • Collaborates, works well with a range of personalities, and can build bridges between community members across Connecticut, including welcoming new burners and re-engaging established members.
  • Actively listens and responds to community needs and ideas.
  • Expresses themself with strong written, verbal, and public speaking communication skills; understands the importance of communication as a community-building, engagement and strengthening tool.
  • Holds strong tech & social media skills, including:
    • Google Group email lists (it’s expected that RCs post and approve posts to the list in a consistent and timely manner)
    • Website management skills (basic editing of the Connecticut Region’s page)
  • Welcomes feedback from the community and recognizes the need for a leader to plan for their own eventual succession.
  • Maintains a mindset of flexibility about ownership rather than possession and is willing to help build a team through delegating and sharing responsibilities to develop the leaders of tomorrow.
  • Embraces difficult conversations conflict resolution and community mediation skills.
  • Has capacity to take on the full duties of the Regional Contact role.

If you feel qualified to self-nominate to be a Burning Man Regional Contact, please complete these two items by Wednesday, February 14, 2024:

  1. Email please add Connecticut Regional Contact in the subject line and introduce yourself. Share more about your local involvement and your relevant leadership experience.  *AND*
  2. Complete the Volunteer Questionnaire. Log into your Burner Profile and complete this survey. You MUST CHECK “Regional Contacts” as one of your 3 teams in order for us to receive this form. If you have already filled out a VolQ form, please check that you’ve indicated “Regional Contacts” as one of your areas of interest.

After the window to self-nominate closes, we’ll send out a community feedback survey to gather community input on each candidate.

Key dates in our Connecticut RC Search process, subject to change, are:

  • February 14, 2024:  Deadline to self-nominate with letter and submit volunteer questionnaire. Also Valentine’s Day.
  • February 16: Opportunity for community feedback on candidates opens via confidential survey (survey open for 2 weeks).
  • March 2024: Candidates will be interviewed by the interview team.
  • End of March 2024: Final decisions made and candidates notified; onboarding begins.
  • April: New RC announcements shared with the community.

If you feel like you may be a good fit for the Connecticut RC team, we warmly welcome you to step up and take part in our selection process. If you have specific questions, reach us at

Please consider amplifying this announcement to your socials and sharing with your communities throughout the Connecticut area! Announcement link: 

With Excitement,
The Regional Network Team
Burning Man Project


Photo Credit: Debbie Wolff
Art: Identity Awareness Family by Shane Pitzer
Year: 2017