(best with Jitsi Meet App or Google Chrome)
Well, during the (ongoing) pandemic we learned, that for a number of people (currently) not living in Berlin, our online meeting was very nice to get or stay in contact. So we decided to keep such an online meeting alive once a month, while the Burner Embassy Berlin is open again in Berlin.
So if you are curious what the Burner Embassy Berlin is about, what Burner culture is, which events are gonna happen and how and what to prepare for them, this is the right place. Even if you’ve never been to the Burner Embassy Berlin (or even Berlin, which is said to be like Burning Man every day) itself.
P.S.: We are usually at the Burner Embassy Berlin at least every Wednesday evening 7pm-9pm for “Open Burner Embassy”, if you happen to be in Berlin near Alexanderplatz: Burner Embassy Berlin, container village “Otto” @ Haus der Statistik (house of statistics), Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, 10178 Berlin, Germany, Europe